XAMPP for local hosting - download redirector

11:01 PM
If you need free and reliable Apache Distribution for Linux, Solaris, Windows and Mac OS X, XAMPP is perfect for you. It has incredible easy user experience, support from open source community that will without a doubt answer all your needs and in its package you can find Apache web server, FTP server, support for MySQL, PHP, Perl,  and phpMyAdmin.  One thing that separates XAMPP from countless other Apache packages is its ease for installing, and because of that your work will be much faster and efficient. While many other similar solutions are coming with the large installers that sometimes even harass users during installation or post-installation process, XAMPP comes in one archive that can even be ZIP, TAR or 7z that users can simply unpack into any location of their choice. Also, instead of just one instance of XAMPP, users can run and manage multiple of them, enabling them better control over their product development (this also includes management over several databases, including MySQL, SQLite and others).

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